Receiving lot of enquiries, I hereby narrated my experience over this historical 9M North Sumatra quake. The earthmovement comprising 16, 17 and 18th indicated that some big one say 6 to 7M  on the way. Hence I published my prediction note that compiling all other readings and part of it was:

PREDICTION Dt.18th Dec. 04:

Bright sunlight day.

Suspect severe quake around 6 to 7+M over

SOUTHERN IRAN (28.41N 55.03E ) - NORTHERN IRAN (30.7N 50.5E)..

may occur within 48 to 180 hours from 10 AM IST on 17th Dec. 2004.

Immediately I have sent an high priority e-mail alert message (Original message is appended below)to my Iranian counter part Mr.AmirReza AmirEbrahimi, aged 20, who is also an earthquake predictor using cloud formation. Considering the thick population and suspect the high magnitude quake will bring more devastation in Iran when compare to Indonesian Islands where offshore area quakes generate megre devastation as per my past experience upto 7 Richter Scale.

----- Original Message -----

From: Shanmugasundaram
To: AmirReza AmirEbrahimi
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 4:10 PM
Subject: Alert..great quake/s on its way..
Dear Amir,
Comprising earthmovement on 16,17 and 18th Dec.04 today I strongly suspect that 6 to 7+M quake
may hit Central and Southern Iran respectively within 48 to 180 hours from 10 am on 17th Dec. 04.
For further details, please watch my web sites.
Take care.

Considering the strong magnitude, immediately I have referred an Astrologer about planet alignment during that time. He explained that the period was Sun-Mercury-Moon-Earth alignment and the Mercury in tune with the alignment till 22nd of Dec. 04.  I believe that the primary role of the gravity during the alignment period of planets is pulling our earth enormously and ultimately its affect centrifugal motion in a big way..

Then again I proceeded in my work and find out some strong stress accumulation over the same reading comprising 19 and 20th of Dec. It means that stress accumulation ready to release its energy during its subsequent triggering process and normally it has been finalised along with the magntitude, the next day, i.e. on 21st Dec. . Subsequently, the time frame has been refixed and started from 20th Dec.04 onwards. But nature not cooperate with me and sending clouds to my place on 21st of Dec. Hence there was no sunshine over my place on that day  and subsequently the next reading was taken on 22nd Dec.  I felt something different in my reading including the angle. Since I have already finalised it was a big one, but unable to compare the reading for Region 2 hit which was identified at Simeulue, Indonesia (2.30N 96.54E) (close to the recent 9M quake on N-Sumatra).  Because of missing of reading on 21st, and change in the angle, I was unable to fix the Region 2 location. The unimaginable 9M magnitude which subsequently triggered the killer tsunami over Asian countries including my land Tamilnadu. I would like to state that I could have been posted proper message with identified both Iran and Indonesia Island locations more specific with tsunami warning, if I registered the reading on 21st Dec, 2004 with the great magnitude of 9 Richter scale in advance. Any way I gained a good lesson over this for my future study.

Thanks to Mr. Gary [WA6HZT], my US ham friend who have converted my gravitational readings,  registered at Coimbatore displayed here which shows the gravitational change during this 9M quake period.


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